Enhancing the Power of Subconscious Mind with Meditation

level X neuphony

Are you in the search of something that will increase your productivity and boost your mind power? Have you pondered upon what’s stopping you from achieving it? Issues like worry, anxiety, stress, and overthinking can slow down your growth process. Well, these are not just distractions, but hindrances in the path of reaching your mind’s […]

The Method Which Gives the Best ROI for Workplace Mental Health

workplace mental health

“80% of the Indian workforce reported mental health issues in 2021”, reports a survey by Deloitte.  The emergence of Covid-19 added to the worrying cause of concern about mental health in corporate India. A recent Deloitte survey on mental health showed that four out of every five corporate workers had experienced mental health concerns in […]

Stress-Performance Management Made Easier | Yerkes-Dodson law

mental health issue

Uncovering the Stress – Performance Curve  Aiming to find that sweet spot between bore out and burnout? Stuck between too much work or hardly any work at all? The curve based on Yerkes-Dodson Law shows the relationship between stress arousal (pressure) and performance. If we study it in detail, we can unveil the ideal zone […]

The Great Resignation – Well-being at Workplace

mental health issue

The years 2021-22 saw a trend that hurt the corporate giants worse than the covid-19 pandemic, “The Great Resignation”. The Great Resignation is a term used to describe the high number of employees resigning and migrating to different opportunities, this has left organisations desperate to fill key positions. But what caused this sudden want of […]

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