Benefits of Biofeedback on Mental Health


Biofeedback is a type of therapy that uses sensors attached to one’s body to measure key body functions. It is a way to understand what the body is saying, make an understanding of the knowledge gained. Eventually, alter this information for one’s long-term benefit. Biofeedback is based on the concept of “mind over matter.” There […]

Health Benefits of Meditation


As we celebrated meditation day on May 21st, 2021. I was thinking about the most common question I had heard to this date “What is meditation?”. We all have heard that meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep and memory, including several other benefits associated with the practice. However, is it the ultimate […]

Bid Goodbye to Toxic Positivity

Bid Goodbye to Toxic Positivity and Unwanted Pandemic Pressure – Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, people have suffered in many ways. Students are deprived of education, people have lost their jobs, and some are not finding it productive enough to work from home. This is, of course, is in addition to the loss […]

Tips to Cope with Anxiety in New Normal

Anxious About Returning to the New Normal? Change is the basic fundamental of life. One takes birth, evolves, and changes with each step of their life. However, not everyone can easily adapt to the various changes life throws at them. 2020 has posed a similar situation where first, the outbreak of the Coronavirus made people […]

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