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Boost Your Mind Power with Mindfulness Meditation

Boost Your Mind Power with Mindfulness Meditation

EEG Research

Neuphony Research Team Neuphony Research Team | Published on October 5, 2024 | 6 Mins Read


Are you in search of something that will increase your productivity and boost your mind power? Have you pondered upon what’s stopping you from achieving it?

Issues like worry, anxiety, stress, and overthinking can slow down your growth process.

Well, these are not just distractions, but hindrances in the path of reaching your mind’s full potential. Mindfulness meditation, combined with the power of neuroscience, is here to accelerate the process and increase your brain power in a much easier way.

Neuphony and Level have come together for a research study to find out how meditation improves the power of the subconscious mind and transforms the brain.

The Science Behind Meditation

The ancient art of meditation is believed to have emerged in India many centuries ago. The Latin term meditatum, which means to “focus” or “consider,” is where the word meditation first originated.

Through mindfulness meditation or even listening to meditation music, we can calm our minds and transition from higher frequency brain waves to lower frequency brain waves. We have more awareness to carefully choose our thoughts when the wavelengths are slower because they provide us more time to process our thoughts. It can strengthen the brain areas responsible for memory, learning, attention, and self-awareness. Additionally, the practice may reduce sympathetic nervous system activity.

Mindfulness meditation is easy, but it requires discipline to remain quiet in both body and mind. There are many misconceptions about meditation among younger generations. Some of them think it’s too difficult, uninteresting, or perhaps hard to find the time to meditate. People even associate it with spirituality or escapism and believe that it takes a lot of time to experience its true benefits.

When in fact, it can be done by anyone to increase awareness and purposefulness. It also teaches you how to respond to events in life rather than reacting to them.

Brain, Neurofeedback And Mindfulness Meditation

Apart from this, there is a prevailing brain-training therapy called neurofeedback, which is believed to rewire your brain in a natural and noninvasive way through neuroplasticity training.

With meditations (from Level – An app that offers guided meditations and positive energy meditation music) backed by neuroscience (using Neuphony – India’s first wearable EEG Device), our research is based on getting insights that will be useful in changing the perception of meditation by combining neurofeedback and mindfulness.

Neuphony x Level - Research Study

Research has shown that mindfulness meditation transforms our brainwaves and enhances cognitive abilities. Through this, we are attempting to put the theory into practice and alter how younger generations see meditation.

We are studying the effects of regular meditation on the brain by analyzing the brainwaves and gaining insights into cognitions.

Where and How?

Being conducted at Level’s office in Lower Parel, Mumbai presently, it’s a six-week long study where 80 people are participating and have been divided into two groups.

Group A- 40: Test Subjects

Those who will meditate with us at least once a week, as well as at home, for six weeks.

Group B- 40: Control Subjects

Those who are not meditating at all.

We are attempting to make the theoretical data usable by building this ecosystem through neurofeedback based on meditations and deriving insights on the same.

Self-awareness and Improvement

Self-awareness takes you one step closer to achieving self-acceptance as well as understanding the scope of self-improvement with the help of the right tools.

This research aims to eliminate various misunderstandings about mindfulness meditation and increase commercial awareness of its practice through neuroscience-backed validation.

With this initiative, Neuphony and Level are working together to shift people’s perceptions of meditation to promote it as a tool for brain training and increasing mind power.

Level App offers a curated collection of guided meditations and other mind-boosting tools for students and young professionals.

Neuphony, India’s first wearable device, is researchers’ favorite for conducting studies on brain data and customers’ favorite for gaining insights i.e. Focus, Distractions, Stress, Relaxation, Mood, PDR etc. about their brain to improve themselves.


In conclusion, the collaboration between Neuphony and Level aims to enhance our understanding of mindfulness meditation and its effects on brain power, particularly among younger generations. By leveraging neurofeedback and research, they hope to dispel misconceptions and promote meditation as a valuable tool for mental well-being and cognitive enhancement.

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