Neuphony Research Team | Published on October 5, 2024 | 5 Mins Read
Talking about Mental health without really talking about the brain doesn’t make sense. When we say it’s all in the mind its actually true because your thoughts shape who you are as a person.
The various flaps of our brain. Each side of your brain contains four lobes. The frontal flap is significant for psychological capacities and control of voluntary development or action. The parietal flap measures data about temperature, taste, contact, and development, while the occipital projection is basically answerable for vision. The temporal flap measures recollections, incorporating them with vibes of taste, sound, sight, and contact.
The frontal lobe is situated in the forward part of the brain. The frontal flap is engaged with thinking, engine control, feeling, and language. It contains the engine cortex, which is engaged with arranging and organizing development.
The brain’s parietal lobe is found promptly behind the frontal projection and is engaged with handling data from the body’s detects. It contains the somatosensory cortex, which is basic for preparing tangible data from over the body, for example, contact, temperature, and torment.
The temporal lobe is situated on the head and is related to hearing, memory, feeling, and a few parts of the language. The auditory cortex, the primary region answerable for preparing auditory data, is situated inside the temporal projection.
The occipital flap is situated at the back of the brain and contains the essential visual cortex, which is answerable for deciphering approaching visual data.
During Meditation, there are major chemical changes and increased electrical activity all across your brain. Each style of Meditation activates different parts of the brain and hence resulting in different benefits. It can not only improve your focus, but also help in regulation, developing gratitude and also on the relationship you have with yourself based on the mediation style you choose. Long-term meditators show improved attention span, better emotional regulation by having asynchronous communication between all parts of the brain.